pallini o gommini per campo sintetico? | li vendiamo online

Il posto giusto dove comprare i vostri gommini in pallini per campo in sintetico

gommini pallini per intaso campo sintetico
pallini in gommini per ricarica campo sintetico

I nostri pallini non sono solo verdi in colore : devono resistere all'usura!

La scelta dei pallini per un campo da calcetto in sintetico ÃĻ molto importante per via della quantità di ore di gioco settimanali. Mediamente si disputano due partite al giorno di un ora in cui i cambi di azione e il ridotto spazio fanno si che l’usura sul campo sintetico sia maggiore rispetto al calcio ad undici. Non vi aspettavate sicuramente questa affermazione ma semplicemente non ci avete mai pensato ! Ecco qui che avete trovato il posto giusto dove non solo comprare ma informarsi su come posare l’intaso nella forma corretta.

Di gommini nel campo sintetico ne mettiamo il giusto!

Come fare a decidere quanti gommini ho bisogno di mettere sul mio vecchio campo da calcetto in sintetico? Una domanda non di poco peso! Bisogna controllare la misura in millimetri che mediamente il pelo dell’erba sintetica  fuoriesce dall’ attuale intaso.

Portiamo un esempio: se notiamo che mediamente il pelo risulta libero in altezza di 20 mm occorre effettuare sicuramente una ricarica.

Quanto metterne di pallini nell’intaso? Questa semplice operazione aritmetica aiuterà a trovare il giusto quantitativo:

Innanzitutto occore sapere che non si puÃē colmare il campo sintetico di gommini perchÃĻ provocherà scivoloni e quindi probabili contusioni ai vostri affezionati clienti. Almeno 10 mm di pelo libero in altezza dovrà permanere per far si che crei struttura a tutta la superficie del campo (NB. il pelo del campo sintetico ÃĻ l’armatura di contenimento dei granuli sul tappeto sintetico). Ed ora veniamo alla formula: 

(“misura del pelo libero” – 10 mm) * 4kg “gommini intaso al mq” * mq ” totale campo sintetico” = Quantità in kg di pallini da acquistare per campo sintetico. Facile no?!


Siete i piÃđ esperti sulla manutenzione del campo in sintetico ma lasciatevi consigliare!

Effettuare la manutenzione in faidate su un campo sintetico occorre passione nel farlo ed anche la giusta scelta dei pallini in gomma. Che sia color Verde o Marrone se il vostro manto non ÃĻ schiacciato o usurato  questi tre prodotti fanno al caso vostro: Ecolgreen        Ecolmix        Ecolbrown

Invece se il prato ÃĻ schiacciato ed addirittura in fibrillato l’intaso in gommini che fà per voi sono queste due tipologie qui: Refiller Green         Refiller Brown

colored infill granules sbr | artificial grass

colored rubber sbr infill

green rubber sbr infill

The term sbr ennobled identifies a granule of synthetic rubber coated with a special polyurethane resin with color additive for use as infill in synthetic grass for football and soccer fields. It is also used for anti-trauma flooring as a final walking layer. The coloring can be made in the main green and brown tones as well as in blue, red, yellow, orange, gray.


garden flower beds | synthetic bark decoration ideas

range bark rubber mulch for gardenThe flower beds are beautiful works of art of gardening that many people in their homes devote a lot of time to their creative satisfaction. many ideas can already be found on the web but ours in particular tries to import a use that is widespread in Anglo-Saxon countries: the rubber mulch! That is the synthetic rubber bark. There is an abundance of it coming from recycled tires but we offer a product that takes into account environmental aspects that must excel in absolute terms for such a noble use as that of a garden furnishing accessory.

The six most important points to pursue for a decorative product for flower beds are represented here:

It must not emit any odor: It is important that your patio adorned with flower beds does not emit plastic or pine bark odors that putrefy generating rotten smell Our product is odorless and there is no presence of covering in the form of essences deodorants to obtain the temporary effect.
It must be safe: in this case we are referring to the fact that a flowerbed in which many children also play nearby cannot be made by Lapilli or decorative stones with which children can get hurt by falling. Safety is important and comes first!
It must not emit harmful substances: This point is fundamental and in fact we periodically carry out analyzes for aromatic polyclinic hydrocarbons and heavy metals which always attest to limit values ​​used for the play areas.
Colored: The ornamental plants that you most like to place on your flower beds, could be much more interesting to see if the context of the base was in a contrast of color: we have different colors of synthetic bark that range from red to brown to blue for pool and green contours: A beautiful pure white has recently been included in the range for the most fanatic of cleanliness.
Long lasting: to think that the bark obtained from trees has an average duration of maximum three years, the cost of realization over time will be very significant. our product has a likely price as in the stores, you can buy it online on our site, but feel guaranteed for over 20 years of duration on your flowerbed without any maintenance.
That does not float: very important point if you do not want to find yourself every time after a downpour to fix the mulch.

We are proud to write this Blog because as a company on the market for thirty years we feel we are promoting products that really bring benefits and therefore useful to the community and the promotion of innovative products also in the garden shop is part of our Mission. See also the dedicated page of Garden Rubber products and our online shop also dedicated to garden bark for mulching.

rubber mulch | colored bark for garden

bark rubber mulch colored brown 25 kg

bag 25 kg brown bark rubber mulch

The rubber mulch identifies a method with which to set up coarse pieces of rubber similar to the shape of natural pine bark on a flowerbed or garden. Thanks to this product, it is possible to obtain advantages for the elimination of long-term weeds by depriving ourselves of any maintenance. Colored and odorless make the landscape look much more pleasant.

rubber for artificial grass soccer field

colored infill artificial grass soccer field The rubber for five-a-side football fields consists of a normally sbr granule which the infill for synthetic grass is made.

The artificial grass will be soft and more performing at the level of the game, reducing injuries due to its anti-trauma action.


Anti-trauma flooring in place – Prismi srl

The definition of anti-trauma flooring in place means a surface coating made of rubber granules thickened by polyurethane resins. Different colors and types of granules both SBR and EPDM confer not only the anti-shock properties but also a uniform thematic appearance.