
FAQ rubber granules Artificial Grass Infill


1.Is it possible to Refill an old synthetic field with the rubber by myself?

Yes. By purchasing one of the refill products packed in 25 kg / each bags from our e-shop, you can refill any type of sports field for both football and multipurpose.

2.How do I spread the rubber granules on my artificial grass soccer field?

 It can be done in several ways: use a spreading hopper with an opening adjustment flag that you can easily find on the market, or open the 25 kg sack and dividing it into buckets and manually as you do for sowing, sprinkle it on synthetic grass.

3.How can I get the granule scattered on the synthetic grass carpet between the fibers?

Using a hard bristle brush, brush the synthetic carpet alternately back and forth until you get the desired effect.

4.My soccer field is empty of infill! How much material does it take to refill it?

Check the residual height of the fiber on average over the entire synthetic field. Example: if the Fiber escapes by an average of 25 mm, the quantity necessary for 15 mm is calculated (the remaining 10 mm will be the hair of grass that comes out); 15mm x 0.5 kg / mmh * m2 = 7.5 kg / m2.

5.my soccer field in organic infill is very empty and the refills of the same vegetable do not last long.

Unfortunately, the mistake of buying a product without knowing the maintenance costs is paid dearly. Here is the solution! Refill your soccer or football field with our Ecolbrown product; The field will return to performance with excellent elasticity and low maintenance.

6.My soccer field is very worn and the refill rubber cannot clog.

Prismi has the solution! Find among our refill products the REFILLER product in different colors to allow you to infill your field with crushed fibers with ease.


FAQ Sand Rubber Powder Bowls Court


1.Our synthetic bowling fields wears bowls.

The dusting of our product is almost finished: buy it back in the e-shop with the name Spread rubber in different shades of choice.


2.how do I give the dust on our Bowls court?

If the field is in resin and therefore synthetic, just sprinkle the product as sowing and then brush it with a brush to distribute the product well evenly. Level the whole field.



FAQ Infill rubber Multipurpose tennis courts


1.My multipurpose synthetic grass tennis court is very hard and abrasive because there is sand like clogging. Can I improve it?

Obviously yes! Just load our Rubber Sand rubber in different colors and the result will live up to expectations: excellent for tennis and mini soccer!


FAQ Bark Rubber Mulch Garden


1.What is Mulch?

Mulch or rather mulching is an agronomic practice with which it is possible to prevent the growth of weeds and, at the same time, isolate the roots from low temperatures and avoid, in the summer months, that the water evaporates too quickly from the soil. There are many types and Prismi offers its bark Garden Rubber mulch solution which has the advantage of being not only decorative than:
Don't attract insects, including termites.
â€Ē Saves time and money by eliminating annual mulch.
â€Ē Prevents the emergence of weeds.
â€Ē Provides a safety playground by reducing the risk of injury from falls.

2. How to install Mulch?

Use a non-woven polyester (PET) sheet that constantly guarantees the right degree of progressive and gradual humidity to the soil. The root system, even in the presence of strong and sudden temperature changes, severe frost and other adverse climatic conditions, remains constantly well protected even for the most sensitive and delicate plant species.
To obtain long-lasting results, it is essential to carefully clean the ground before laying, and then to weed.
1. The irrigation system can be positioned both below and above the sheet, even if the underlying laying, in addition to ensuring a better aesthetic result, protects the pipes from the action of ultraviolet rays.
2. The sheets must be unrolled on the ground without pulling them.
3. For cutting, use scissors capable of making precise and rapid cuts. Even a simple cutter is well suited for this purpose.
4. The fixing to the ground takes place with the special shaped pegs which, in addition to penetrating the ground effortlessly, thanks to the resistant alloy and the very sharp diagonal cut, also allow the dripping wing to be fixed with a single operation.
5. The fixing of the sheet with water-resistant silicone on the overlays and edges (critical part for weeds) allows to further optimize the seal even in case of very strong gusts of wind.
6. After cutting and fixing the sheet you can proceed with the positioning of the plants making holes as precise as possible where necessary.
7. Sprinkle our Garden Rubber in a thickness of not less than 4 cm in the color you prefer and you will obtain a magnificent result.



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